Friday, February 6, 2009

To Do's Before Death

So, the 7 year old came home with a list of things she wanted to do before she died. ARE you kidding me?? This is the same class that did epitaphs as a fun Halloween project under the umbrella of I seeing a pattern here?
Anyway, as I read it, I could not only relate, but holy cow, she's spot on with what she's good at and what we have said she should consider as she gets older. So, I thought I'd share and since I've been promised that my blogs will be printed every Christmas, its a posterity thing and I'll have a hard copy of it to remind her of it when she wants to quit school at 14 and become a gypsy....something that is currently on my things I wished I would have done list....jk...sort of....

Here goes:
1. Go to Montana (because that's where Hannah lives...but of course)
2. Grow out some hair
3. Go to college (her teacher wrote by it Great Goal!...ya think??)
4. Sing on stage ( comment)
5. Get a job (this is one when she is 25 living at home that I will definitely be pulling out)
6. Be a Cheerleader
7. Be a vet
8. Ride a horse
9. Go to Sea World
10. Go see my cousins
11. Go see Miley Cyrus
12. Go to Disneyland
13. Dance
14. Be a Teacher (her teacher wrote The Best Job Ever!)
15. Cell Phone (??)
16. Meet Zach Effron and Vanessa
17. Meet horses (I see a trend...)
18. Be in a movie (you go girl, who doesn't??)
19. Be a fashion designer (her teacher wrote You Would Be Great at That and anyone who has seen her on a day that she dresses herself not in school uniform would know that she definitely has her OWN style:))
20. Be a soccer player

In closing, what I find interesting is that she HAS done a lot of these things already. What I hope for her is that she NEVER stops doing them all:) Love you #2!!

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