Thursday, November 20, 2008

I hate Baby Monitors

Is this wrong to say? I really do hate them. I know that they are a great tool for making sure your baby is all good. My parents didn't have one and because of that my capacity for yelling is off the charts. They also didn't have baby gates and when you mix that scenario with a set of stairs and a toddler with a horse on wheels...bye bye happy curly redhead...hello dr. emergency. You gotta love the 70's! Anyway, back to the monitor. Do I really need to hear her make every single move in her crib 24/7? I know I think so too, but good grief, it really is annoying...I can even hear her inhale snot and blow a bubble out. What if they invented a monitor where the noise level had to get to a certain decibel before you would be notified. That I could handle. Now she's singing...30 seconds ago she was crying...ok back to fake see what I mean??? It could drive anyone she's hitting her suckyface on the crib slat and her cd is over...good grief....moaning ensuing....fake crying....come get me or else wail!!! Gotta go...that's the decibel I'm talking about.

1 comment:

Einstein's Brain said...

I think that if I ever have children, I will NEVER use a monitor.